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The Hard Case For Having A Well-Crafted B2B Revenue Strategy

b2b revenue strategy Jan 22, 2024

Are you steering your revenue ship without a compass? Do you feel like you're climbing a revenue mountain without a map? Perhaps you're a technical founder leading an early-stage revenue team, wondering why the numbers just don't add up.

The hard truth is this: your technical prowess won't suffice when it comes to B2B revenue attainment. A well-crafted Revenue Strategy is a non-negotiable. It's your Google map to your revenue target destination.

You might argue that you've got by without one so far. You're wrong.

There’re significant benefits to having a clear and well-reasoned Revenue Attainment Strategy. You’re missing out on these if you’re operating without a revenue strategy. 

Here’s the hard case for having a B2B Revenue Attainment Strategy.

The Tangible Benefits of a B2B Revenue Strategy

1. Clarity and Focus

A well-defined revenue strategy clarifies your goal and helps the team focus on relevant tasks. According to Harvard Business Review [1], companies that clearly define their strategy outperform their competitors by up to 60%.

2. Efficient Resource Allocation

Resources can be allocated efficiently by identifying which areas have the highest revenue potential. Research from McKinsey [2] found that businesses with optimal resource allocation can improve their revenue by up to 30%.

3. Predictability and Control

With a clear strategy, you can predict revenue growth and have better control over it. A Forrester report [3] showed that companies using data-driven strategies are 1.5 times more likely to report revenue growth of over 10%.

 The Intangible Benefits of a B2B Revenue Strategy

1. Confidence

Clarity of goals and paths develops shared understanding amongst the team and external stakeholders. You can confidently approach investors, stakeholders, and potential customers with a clear strategy. A study by BCG [4] showed that businesses with a robust revenue strategy instill confidence and attract 33% more investment than those without.

2. Cohesion

A shared vision can bring the team together, fostering a culture of unity and collaboration. Research from Deloitte [5] suggests that organizations with a united and engaged workforce are twice as likely to outperform their competitors.

3. Compounding

As you execute (and test) your clear revenue strategy, you’ll be more organized and deliberate about the learning. These seemingly small hacks, way-around, and formulae combine to create powerful playbooks. Playbooks are lego-blocks of a predictable revenue engine.

Your startup is an engine, and your revenue strategy is the blueprint. Don't wait for the machine to sputter and stall before figuring out the design. Make the hard case for a well-crafted B2B Revenue Strategy today.

Consider this: You wouldn't embark on a road trip without a map, so why run a business without a revenue strategy?

Start designing your revenue map today. It’s the key to unlocking the success that you and your team deserve.

Remember, success isn't stumbled upon; it's strategized.


  1. Harvard Business Review (

  2. McKinsey & Company (

  3. Forrester Research (

  4. Boston Consulting Group (

  5. Deloitte Insights (

PS: I have worked as a B2B revenue growth expert with consulting firms, large corporations, SMBs, and VC-funded startups for 17 years. I have curated and synthesized the best practices to build, fix, and grow B2B Sales Engines, especially for Founders and Small & Medium Businesses. Join our mailing list here.


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