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5 Reasons Why Most B2B Founders Often Lack a B2B Revenue Strategy

b2b revenue strategy Jan 22, 2024

I've met several B2B technology founders and CEOs who intuitively know the exact path they need to take to crush their revenue targets. However, despite their brilliance, their execution lacks rhythm, leading to missed targets and limited learning opportunities. Having a clearly articulated revenue strategy is crucial for reaching revenue goals, yet many founders fail to develop one. Understanding the underlying reasons behind this gap is essential, as ignoring them may cost you your business.


1. Humans are hardwired to skip details due to inherent cognitive biases and psychological effects.

As humans, we have cognitive biases and psychological effects that influence our decision-making. We tend to skip details and prefer simplicity over complexity. Research by Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate in economics, highlights how our biases, such as confirmation bias and anchoring bias, can hinder the development of a well-crafted revenue strategy. Overlooking the importance of thorough planning can result in significant gaps and inefficiencies in execution.


2. Founders often lack strategic focus and get pressured by existential crises.

Founders of B2B technology companies often wear multiple hats and face constant pressures. The lack of strategic focus can distract them from dedicating adequate time and resources to developing a well-crafted revenue strategy. A study by Harvard Business Review found that 75% of startups fail due to premature scaling, indicating the need for strategic focus in revenue planning. Existential crises, such as fierce competition or market uncertainties, further compound the issue, diverting attention from strategic revenue planning.


3. The goals and objectives are unclear to the founder(s), and revenue paths are unproven or nebulous.

Without clear goals and objectives, founders struggle to align their revenue strategy with their business vision. Uncertainty around revenue paths and unproven methods makes defining a roadmap for revenue attainment challenging. A survey conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that 45% of executives reported that their companies' strategies were not well understood by their employees, emphasizing the need for clear goals and objectives. Founders need a solid foundation of proven methods and validated approaches to develop a well-crafted revenue strategy.


4. Lack of market insight, revenue cycle activities, and credible benchmarks.

Successful revenue strategies rely on comprehensive market insight, a deep understanding of revenue cycle activities, and credible benchmarks. However, founders may lack access to market data and insights, making it difficult to make informed decisions. A report by Forrester Research found that 56% of B2B companies struggle with the quality and accuracy of their customer data. Without a clear understanding of industry trends and customer needs, crafting an effective revenue strategy becomes daunting.


5. Lack of discipline and accountability to execute a plan. 

Crafting a revenue strategy is only the first step; successful execution is equally vital. However, founders often struggle with maintaining discipline and holding themselves accountable to follow through on the plan. According to a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit, 61% of organizations struggle with executing their strategies effectively. This lack of execution discipline can derail even the most well-crafted revenue strategies.



Crafting a detailed revenue plan is crucial for attaining revenue targets, but developing a good revenue strategy is often challenging. The fundamental causes that prevent founders from crafting a revenue strategy are deeply rooted and not banal. Increasing awareness of these challenges and being deliberate about revenue planning can significantly increase the odds of success. By addressing these reasons head-on and dedicating the necessary time and resources, B2B technology founders can unlock their potential for revenue growth and achieve long-term success.



  1. Daniel Kahneman, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011). 

  2. Harvard Business Review, "Why Most Startups Fail" (March 2018). 

  3. McKinsey & Company, "The Strategy Crisis: Insights for action" (January 2020). 

  4. Forrester Research, "The Data Management Disconnect: Financial Services Customer Data Challenges" (May 2021). 

  5. The Economist Intelligence Unit, "Closing the Gap: Designing and Delivering a Strategy That Works" (June 2013). 


PS: I have worked as a B2B revenue growth expert with consulting firms, large corporations, SMBs, and VC-funded startups for 17 years. I have curated and synthesized the best practices to build, fix, and grow B2B Sales Engines, especially for Founders and Small & Medium Businesses. Join our mailing list here.


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